Can Pink Eye Not Be Pink

Home Remedies for Eye Inflammation, Puffiness and Irritation


If your eyes are itchy, irritated or inflamed, it can be a sign of sickness. Eyes are connected to the nervous system, the blood circulation system, as well as your sinus system. Symptoms of irritation or pain in the eyes are, therefore, sometimes associated with problems in these parts of the body. In addition, there are standalone illnesses that affect the eyes. Allergic reactions to substances in the air or bathing water can also affect the eyes.

For anything other than the most minor of irritations, you will have to see an eye doctor in your area.

You might think, I don't know any eye doctors in my area, but rest assured, they are there. Opticians, ophthalmologists and other eye specialists are some of the more common professionals in the medical field.

If you have minor eye troubles that can be treated at home, here are some home remedies to try.

Treatment and Care of Eye Floaters

Floaters are a common problem for people as they age.

What are floaters?

Floaters appear as little specks that obstruct the eye from seeing clearly. They are like little cobwebs that appear in the line of vision and can be quite annoying. Floaters come from the vitreous, which is the liquid that fills a good part of the eye. If vitreous shrinks, it can break off these tiny pieces that float around on the surface of the retina, causing vision to blur.

Treatment of floaters is quite difficult at home. It is a good idea to monitor the floaters to see if they go away naturally. If not, your best option is to go see an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.

Home Treatment for Chronic Red Eyes

Chronic red eyes can be annoying due to their appearance. Sometimes, however, they can indicate a more serious problem and will require urgent medical care.

When red eyes are not painful or itchy, you can treat yourself at home. Be careful, however, to avoid injuries to the eyes. When in doubt, always consult the best doctor available so you can obtain professional and adequate eye care.

Red eyes may be caused by fatigue, lack of sleep, smoking tobacco, marijuana or mild eye injuries. You may treat these symptoms with adequate rest, the use of eyedrops, and getting plenty of sleep to let the eyes recover.

Painful red eyes, however, may indicate more dangerous eye conditions such as glaucoma, corneal ulcers, and conjunctivitis. If red eyes persists, you will want to visit an eye doctor to check for these.

Home Treatment for Allergies That Affect the Eyes

If your eyes are inflamed or running with unusual tears, it could be due to an allergy. Common allergies include pollen allergies, mold, pet hairs, and different gases. To treat allergies at home, you will need to identify the irritant and remove it from your surroundings. If you have pollen allergies, for example, you can avoid going near flowers. If you are allergic to fumes in a perfume, remove it from the house.

Sometimes, inflamed or running eyes can persist. It is possible that allergies affect your sinus systems as well. Left unattended, you could develop infections. You will therefore need to go visit a doctor even when you feel better. A good doctor will conduct scans to identify latent infections and treat them with the proper medicine.

Protecting Your Eyes

The eyes are an important part of the human body. Without sight, common activities become so much more difficult, if not altogether impossible, without assistance. At the same time, the eyes are especially vulnerable to harm. Dust particles, harmful liquids and solid objects can do irreparable harm to the eyes. It is for these reasons that you must take extra care in vision protection.

If you're doing technical work or activities in areas where objects or substances can rise to the eyes, it is prudent to wear protective eye goggles. Such activities include working in laboratories, garages and other technical work. When playing close contact sports or swimming in deep water, it might also be a good idea to wear protective eyewear.

Finally, you can consider protective shades when moving outdoors or in dusty terrain to avoid irritation of the eyes.

Can Pink Eye Not Be Pink


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