Take This Quiz And We'll Guess Your Relationship Status!

Are you either in or out of a relationship, and think a quiz guessing your relationship status would be a fun way to kill some time? Or, have you genuinely forgotten what your relationship status is, and are seeking something to remind you? In any case, we have you totally covered! This simple Never Have I Ever Quiz will accurately assess your lifestyle and past experiences in order to predict your relationship status.

Most people get into a relationship eventually, one way or another. After all, there's only so much you can do by yourself before things start to get dull. However, people fall in and out of relationships all the time, as is custom behavior for human beings. Right now, you might be in a relationship or out of one, and that may or may not have something to do with the things you've done before, or have never done.

So, let's see what's on your relationship resume thus far. We're curious about your past experiences, and you're wondering if we can actually guess your relationship status. You ready to play 'Never Have I Ever'?

Question 1

Never have I ever... been awake for more than 48 hours straight

To start this quiz off, let's see how much sleep you tend to get, or lack. Depending on your answer, we'll get a better sense of your relationship status. Have you ever felt the sting of insomnia, or have been awake for 48 hours for another reason?

Question 2

Never have I ever... hitchhiked

Hitchhiking is a pretty crazy experience, at least that's what we hear. Of course, we've never done it, but you might have. If you're traveling somewhere far away, and have no money to get around, there aren't an abundance of options for you outside of hitchhiking.

Question 3

Never have I ever... had stitches

If you've had stitches, you've likely been through a painful experience. After all, that's pretty much the only reason why you'd get stitches: to sew up a bad cut on your body. You don't have to get stitches for fun, like Mr. Joker pictured here.

Question 4

Never have I ever... been on TV or the radio

Have you ever been on TV or the radio? If you're not in the field of work that puts you in that spotlight often, being featured so publicly is quite an experience. Let us know if you've ever had it, and we'll try to figure out that elusive relationship status of yours.

Question 5

Never have I ever... cheated on a test in school

If you've cheated on a test in school, you're not necessarily an immoral person. Sure, cheating is generally considered to be the wrong thing to do in all cases, but what's equally true is that kids make mistakes, and sometimes making mistakes is the only way to learn.

Question 6

Never have I ever... pressed the "Send" button by accident (with devastating results)

If you've ever been in this awkward predicament, you might have experienced the trauma of falling down to your knees as you realize that the embarrassing message you wrote was sent to the exact worst person who could have received it.

Question 7

Never have I ever... attempted to cut my own hair

Everyone needs a haircut, unless you don't care about eventually acting as human broom for the world. Sometimes, you just don't want to travel all the way to the salon or barber shop to get a trim. If you've been there before, have you ever tried to cut your own hair?

Question 8

Never have I ever... been slapped across the face

We don't care who says it is, getting slapped in the face is never fun. It stings the nerves upon impact, and it's super embarrassing if you're the one who receives the slap in public. Let us know if you've been slapped in the face, and we'll see if you're single or taken.

Question 9

Never have I ever... had to run for my life

Living in our relatively peaceful modern society, we rarely find ourselves tangled in situations that require us to run for our own survival. However, those circumstances do tend to pop up from time to time. Have you ever had to run for your own life?

Question 10

Never have I ever... cried in public

Everyone cries once in a while, even the toughest people out there. However, most of us do it in the privacy of our own homes, when no one's around to see us do it. Others, like Putin over here, cry in public, because why the hell not?

Question 11

Never have I ever... snooped through someone else's phone

If you've snooped through someone's phone before, shame on you. You're not a secret agent and have no business doing that. It's fine as long as you stop now, which we're sure you will. Push the appropriate button and we'll guess your status.

Question 12

Never have I ever... ridden on the back of an animal

We're sure that you've seen an animal before, that's not what we're asking. Animals are typically all around us all the time, so seeing one isn't so special. However, riding on the back of an animal is a much more original, interesting experience. Ever done it before?

Question 13

Never have I ever... gone skydiving

Skydiving is a traumatic experience, which is something we've discerned from the stories we've heard about it. We've also heard that it's exhilarating and well worth the fright. That's good to know, for sure. Have you ever done it?

Question 14

Never have I ever... spent half an hour or more stuck in an elevator

Riding in an elevator can be a little uncomfortable, but it's thankfully usually over in a few short seconds or minutes. Sometimes, however, elevators get stuck, with people in them, for a half hour or more. Now, that sounds pretty uncomfortable.

Question 15

Never have I ever... tried to charm my way out of a speeding ticket

If you get into the habit of speeding while driving (even going just a bit over the speed limit), there's always a chance of getting stopped by the cops. If that does happen to you, there's an additional chance that you're the type to try charming your way out of the fine.

Question 16

Never have I ever... fainted

Fainting is bad, and not recommended. Of course, we don't faint, being non-corporal quiz programmers and all, but we do hear that it's not good, especially if you hit the ground rather hard. Have you ever fainted before? Let's see.

Question 17

Never have I ever... sung karaoke in a public venue

Singing can be a fun thing to do, but it can also be pretty embarrassing if you do it in public. After all, singing loudly for all to hear open you up to ridicule, and ridicule is never a fun thing to experience. If you don't care, though, you might have sung karaoke in public before.

Question 18

Never have I ever... been a Debbie Downer on vacation

If you're on vacation with a group of people, it's important to understand the importance of creating and maintaining a good vibe. A vacation should be fun, fundamentally, and not dragged down by a Debbie Downer. You're not that person on vacation, are you?

Question 19

Never have I ever... broken something expensive

Breaking something expensive sucks, according to the people who have done it and shared the experience with us. If you break things, you usually end up having to buy them after, in one way or another. Have you ever broken something expensive?

Question 20

Never have I ever... read a book in a day

If you're not a reader, you can go ahead and skip to the next question. If you are, stick around for a second, and we'll find out how voracious a reader you are. A person who really loves their books has finished at least one in a day, at least one day of their lives.

Question 21

Never have I ever... performed something on stage

Most people stay as far away as possible from anything resembling a stage. Being around people on the sidewalk can be awkward enough, there's no need to amplify that with a spotlight. However, you might be the type to welcome the stage, giving some sort of gift to your audience.

Question 22

Never have I ever... gone vegetarian or vegan

Everyone has their own eating habits, and the foods we consume go into making us who we are. These days, plenty of people have at least tried a meatless diet, either vegan or vegetarian. Are you one of those? Let's find out.

Question 23

Never have I ever... snooped through someone else's things

If you answered "Yes" to our prior question about snooping through someone's phone, you might push the same button here. In that case, you're a real snooper! We won't judge you, though, at least not here. We're just collecting some data.

Question 24

Never have I ever... been close to drowning

There are some people out there who have experienced the sensation of drowning but have made it back before crossing over. They say it's strangely peaceful and serene. Still, we'll stay away from it, thanks. Have you ever been close to drowning?

Question 25

Never have I ever... walked for more than five hours

Walking is a great thing to do, and it's necessary in order for us to get around. However, we usually only have to walk in short bursts to accomplish our tasks. Walking for five hours or more is a rare thing to do. Have you ever done it?

Question 26

Never have I ever... been yelled at by a stranger

If you're the type to get into minor (or major) altercations with randoms that you meet on the street, then it's likely that you'll say yes to this one. Being yelled at a stranger sucks, though we wouldn't know anything about that, of course.

Question 27

Never have I ever... gone camping

Have you ever gone camping before? Being that we are civilized creatures, there's little to no concrete reason for us to go sleep outside, unless we really want to. Personally, we're fine wandering the digital hallways of the internet. Do you camp?

Question 28

Never have I ever... been on a roof

There are roofs out there, as you know. You probably also know that some of these roofs are suitable for supporting the feet of people, sometimes several people at a time. In fact, you might have even been on one of these roofs before! Have you?

Question 29

Never have I ever... "done the deed" on the first date

First dates are great, that is when they work out, of course. Sometimes, when they really work out, you might even find yourself doing a certain deed with your date within just hours of meeting them. Have you ever done that?

Question 30

Never have I ever... been featured in a viral video

With everyone having a smartphone on them at all times, there's always a chance for you to be featured in the next mega viral video. You just have to be caught doing precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. Have you ever gone viral?

Question 31

Never have I ever... stolen something

This is the third of our questions that we've included to sniff out the scoundrels among you. Of course, we say that with love. We have love for saints as well as scoundrels. But we have an assessment to make here. Have you ever stolen something?

Question 32

Never have I ever... spent a summer without air conditioning

Have you ever spent a summer without air conditioning? If you did, you're probably remembering those long months of discomfort already. With no relief at home, we can imagine that you jammed your head in the freezer a few times per day. Or is your home always air conditioned?

Question 33

Never have I ever... punched my computer screen

The internet is a great thing, but sometimes, it just gets people so mad! When technology acts up, or people are behaving in infuriating ways on the internet, you might want to do nothing more but deliver a relentless right hook to your monitor. Don't do it though.

Question 34

Never have I ever... fallen in love at first sight

Falling in love is great, and falling in love at first sight is special. This is the moment that poets write about, singers sing about, etc. It's a great moment for sure, guaranteed or your money back. Do you know what we're talking about?

Question 35

Never have I ever... met a celebrity

Here it is, the last question of our relationship test. We've gotten a pretty good idea of your status so far, but we can use one more hint. Think back, and tell us if you've ever met a celebrity. It could be your favorite, or just a familiar Hollywood face. Answer, and we'll reveal your relationship status.