What Does the Bible Say About Overcoming Fear

Dexter loves to read, study, and share the word of God with love.

Fear and anxiety are one of many ways of attracting setbacks into our life. Fear and anxiety have tormented, robbed, beaten, and wounded many of their victims.

Fear and anxiety start with a thought which then affects our emotions. our emotion is the control tower of our actions. So, when our emotion is affected, our judgments becomes unstable, and our actions regrettable.

Even our progress to become who God has called us to be is blocked. Fear and anxiety are no respecter of persons. They affect great and small, Christians and non-Christians alike.

The aftermath of fear's evil sting tells the story. Broken families without hope, dormant dreams and aspirations, and unfaithful spouses; contemplating on making it right - but fearing it's too late to amend.

Fear breeds endless anxieties in different forms. whether it's a mother saying goodbye to her son and fearing he might not return home from his quest to make hence meet.

A father conscious of his ill health ponders how his family will survive without him. Children are anxious over where their next meal, school supplies, and school fees will come from.

Or even a wife living in constant fear of an abusive husband. Whether you like it or not, fear is everywhere.

But you don't have to live in fear and anxiety, there's an escape route. In Christ's resurrection, He conquered Satan, and through faith, we have victory fear.

The devil has no right to hold your mind hostage anymore. Neither does he have the power to make you believe his lies. His lies of you aren't good enough. His lies of God have forgotten and abandon you. And every other lie he has used to deceive you.

God has given you the power to stand form in confidence. God doesn't take His children's call for help lightly. In fact, He says, call on me and I will answer you.

Say goodbye to fear and anxiety. It's time to regain control of your life and recover everything the devil has stolen from you.

Recover your confidence, peace, and joy, these 8 Bible verses on overcoming fear and anxiety will help you to stand your ground and see God's salvation.

Deuteronomy 31:8

My command to you is this: I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

When God makes a promise—we can rest assured he will keep it. In this verse, His promise to us is "comfort," "He will not leave you nor forsake you." God is our comforter, and as a comforter, He comforts. Understanding the role of a comforter is the key to unlock the full potential of this verse. Above all, the main role of a comforter is to protect. And God doesn't take His role to protect us lightly.

2 Chronicles 20:15

"Do not fear nor be discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.

Discouragement comes from the devil. God says to resist discouragement. God has not given you a spirit of fear to live in fear of the devil's threats, trials, and circumstances that he may bring into your life.

But, let's be honest, even though you may try to be optimistic and resist fear, sometimes it gets the better of you. And your thoughts of God's words are distant memories.

Fear doesn't always ask for an invitation. It comes uninvited, usually at your weakest moments. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness occupy the mind. You struggle to sense God's presence around you.

It's like Elijah running in fear of Jezebel after he saw God's mighty power on Mount Carmel.

God means what He says. He instructs us to wait and expect his deliverance. Don't allow the devil to intimidate you by the many troubles you face.

Don't allow your circumstances to consign you to defeat. The battle isn't yours. It does not matter if it's martial, family, relational, job, school, or financial troubles, God says He will fight for you.

But God's deliverance doesn't always come instantly. We need to exercise patience, but how do you stay focus while waiting on God amid fear? Here are a few things you can do:

  • Reading: Knowledge is power, and in this case what you don't know will destroy you. The scripture says that people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Give due diligence in reading the Bible.
  • Prayer and fasting: Fear comes in all sizes, small and great. But at some point, you will experience great fear. Not that you will give in to it, but it will test you. So, be ready to set aside time to pray and fast for God's intervention.
  • Worshiping: The quickest way to get God's attention is by worshiping Him. Not because He can't do without your worship, but because you are powerless without Him. Other sources of help will fail but God's help is everlasting.
  • Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving to God acknowledges that you agree with God's plan for the situation. And you are thanking Him in advance while waiting on His deliverance.
  • Listening: Even in darkness, God speaks to His children. So listen for his directions.

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Anxiety manifests when we are uncertain about the future. But God holds the future, and His children can be sure of his goodness, and wait with patience and joy.

Anxiety is not from God, it's the devil's attempt to rob you of your confidence in God and His provisions.

There is no need, spiritual, physical, or otherwise that God can't meet. And there is no prayer that God cannot answer, so He says "do not be anxious about anything."

This Bible verse implies that God isn't happy when you are anxious. And rightly so, because if He takes care of birds and lilies, then surely He will take care of you. He isn't limited by the economies of men. And the devil can't stop Him from fulfilling His promises to you.

So, look beyond the devil's presentation of your needs, and see God's big picture of your provision. God has provided for all your needs. You will not beg for bread. You will not wander in despair. Be inspired, encouraged, and wait on God.

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

If God says not to worry, then who are we to do otherwise? God knows what's best for us, He has our best interest at heart, so it's best that we obey Him. God is omniscient —He knows everything. And God is omnipotent—He has all power. So if God says "don't worry" it simply means that He has us covered, and He is more than able to meet all our needs.

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

With each passing day, the world is proving to be an uneasy place to live. We can't go a day without hearing of some deathly uproar. And if that isn't enough, managing our personal lives gracefully and peacefully is quite a task. There is always something just around the corner waiting to rob us of any peace we may seem to have. Whether it be an annoying neighbor, an inconsiderate boss, a stressful job, or dealing with family matters-there is always something that makes us uneasy.

But God is a God of peace, and He has no delight seeing us restless. In this verse, He offers us a pathway out of this world's uncertainly - His peace. God's peace is free, and it's available to anyone that desires it.

We don't have to do too much to receive God's peace, we simply ask in faith and God will give it to us. Unlike the world's state of peace which is unpredictable and limited, Christ's peace is stable, eternal, and unlimited.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Here again, we see the Lord encouraging us to be strong and courageous, but this time He is more than encouraging us to be strong, here He is commanding us to be strong.

This verse tells us one of two times, one, we are susceptible to weakness, and two, we haven't quite yet grasped the power that is available to us. But God is patient with us, and at times He will allow us to fall prey to weaknesses until we come to a place where we can see the power of God available to us.

Why climb the same mountain twice? we can use that time and energy to access God's power available to us

Isaiah 35:4

Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution, he will come to save you.

It's normal to experience fear at times, after all, we are only human. Nevertheless, we must guard against fear controlling our lives. But this is only possible through the renewal of our minds. When we renew our minds—we will see God for who He really is.

To renew our minds as God intended, reading, meditation, and the application of God's words are key.

In this verse, God says to be strong, to renounce fear, and embrace strength. Don't worry about any situation causing you to fear, just renew your mind using God's holy words.

Psalm 94:19

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.

At some point, we all need to be consoled, consolation is comfort extended to someone in sorrow, but in the context of this verse - someone with an anxious mind. In this text, the psalmist shares how he overcomes anxiety - his secret - God's consolation.

In Israel, during the 1st century BC, when someone was in distress - they were consoled by a personal visit or a thoughtful letter from a concerned person.

The implication here is that God will not leave us to drown in worry and fear - but God through His Holy Spirit will visit and console us.

Sometimes, a comforting word can make all the difference, especially when we are experiencing great anxiety and depression. The Holy Spirit is our comforter. He is God's gift to us - and He will minister to us during fearful times. Don't allow fear and anxiety to get the better of you, instead, exercise patience and wait on God

Isaiah 43:1

But now, this is what the LORD says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine

If you are still fearful after reading the other verses-then this verse will chase those fears away. In this verse, God calls His servant by his name. This shows that God has a personal interest in us. Secondly, God reminds His servant that He is his creator. This is an indication that God knows exactly how to get us to where we desire to go. And lastly, God reminds His servant that He is his redeemer. This proves that God has legal rights to be a part of our lives. God loves us, and He will do all in His power to see us succeed.

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

This verse says that the psalmist overcomes fear and worry by trusting in God. Trust is one sure way to overcome fear - to trust means to exercise confidence in the integrity of something—in this case, God's words.

It's when we trust in God that we experience peace of mind. Trusting God releases the hand of God to endow us with the strength to break free from the chains of fear and depression.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

This verse is a refuge if ever you find yourself in doubt of God's commitment to you. It says that God has you on his mind, He is thinking about you. He isn't through with you yet. He has a plan for you.

A plan to prosper and give you an expected end. Not an anxious, fearful life, but a life of power, confidence, and a full supply.

No force, whether of flesh or of spirit can stop Him from performing His promises to you. Activate your faith and see your desires manifest.

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© 2018 Dexter Whinfield

What Does the Bible Say About Overcoming Fear

Source: https://letterpile.com/religion/overcoming-fear-and-anxiety-with-faith

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