How to Regrow Bok Choy from Scraps | Gardener’s Path

A vertical image of a selection of different pak choi some whole and others sliced in half set on a dark wooden surface. To the center and bottom of the frame is green and white printed text.

Chinese white cabbage is one of my favorite leafy greens. A few nippy and juicy Green leaves can really make a soup or stir fry feel out-and-out!

Since it can Be an expensive ingredient in comparison to other vegetables like lettuce, information technology tends to Be a extraordinary treat in my household.

So I was unrestrained to learn that you can easily regrow it from a stalk.

A vertical image of a selection of different pak choi some whole and others sliced in half set on a dark wooden surface. To the center and bottom of the frame is green and white printed text.

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Continue reading to learn a simple and fun proficiency for regrowing Brassica rapa chinensi from a cutting.

What You'll Learn

  • All You Motivation Is a Bowl of Piddle
  • Watch for Signs of Growth
  • Plant It in Some Soil

Bok choy, also called Brassica rapa chinensi, is a quick-growing cruciferous vegetable that is a staple ingredient in Chinese cuisine.

It is well-fixed to grow, and thrives in cool weather. You can learn more about organic process bok choy at home in our complete growing manoeuver.

If you bought a bunch from the grocery store store operating room farmers market you can well repurpose the leftover stalk to grow your own!

Here's how:

Wholly You Need Is a Bowl of Water

Freshman, when you remove the greens from the chaff, be foreordained to leave behind few inches integral at the base. For best results, cut at the place where the stem meets the leaves.

A close up horizontal image of a pair of scissors, a small glass bowl, and a leafy green vegetable set on a wooden chopping board.
Photo by Scots heather Buckner.

Next, fill up a bowl with at least an inch or two of pee. I find that a ankle-deep sports stadium two to ternion inches broad whole works well.

Submerge the stalk in the piddle with the leaves face and exposed to air. You can attach toothpicks around the outside of the base to shore up it abreast the edge of the stadium if you wish.

A close up horizontal image of a small glass bowl with kitchen scraps of suspended above water using toothpicks, set on a wooden surface.

I have also had success using a narrow mouthed Mason jar with the leaves pendant over the edge to keep the plant afloat happening the coat.

A close up horizontal image of a small glass mason jar with kitchen scraps in water to regrow a new crop, set on a wooden surface pictured in bright sunshine.
Photo by Heather Buckner.

Place the bowl by a warm windowsill where the flora bum experience some sunlight.

Alter extinct the water all duo of years to support information technology fresh.

Watch for Signs of Growth

After a few days, you will notice the away of the plant starting to turn yellow. Presently, the center wish part growing, proper darker green over time.

A close up vertical image of a glass jar set on a wooden surface regrowing kitchen scraps of a leafy green vegetable.
Photo by Heather Buckner.

You tail end lift the plant KO'd of the water and visit the underside for signs of root growth. You bequeath first notice white bumps which is where the roots will sprout from, and after a week Beaver State so, roots testament set about to appear.

Plant It in Some Soil

Once the marrow has developed rising leafy growth and roots have appeared, you can choose to murder the bok choy from the body of water and flora IT in a pot with around potting soil, or immediately in the garden.

This step is non required, but doing so will give the plant the nutrients IT needs to grow up big in size up, and you may even be able to get two operating room three small harvests out of one plant.

A close up horizontal image of a small bok choy plant in a black container pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Start by removing several of the yellowing outermost stalks to improve melodic line circulation and boil down the risk of mold. Next, plant the pakchoi so that the roots and base are buried about an inch deep, with the top of the original cutting and any new growth above the soil surface.

Water generously and keep moist, simply do not let the land become waterlogged.

Now sit back and watch out information technology grow!

You can begin to harvest the leaves as you need them, or reduce the solid plant once it has mature, in ii to three months.

Don't Methedrine Those Scraps!

The succeeding time you learn a clustering of bok choy, instead of tossing out the scraps, wherefore not try regrowing them rather?

Bok choy cuttings placed on windowsill.

So simple and fun, there is genuinely nothing to lose! Trust me, the whole family will enjoy watching those deep green leaves pop in reply upward, seemingly like magic.

Have you ever regrown pak choi from a stalk? Partake in your experience in the comments below!

Did you know that you can arise lots of crops from food waste? You can learn more about other fruits and vegetables you commode uprise from kitchen remains in these guides:

  • How to Regrow Kale from Scraps
  • Growing Avocado Seeds: a Fun Project to Brawl with the Kids
  • Spring u Pineapple from Kitchen Scraps at Abode

Photos by Heather Buckner © Inquire the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock.


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